Memorial Hall Arts & Crafts Studio

Descriptions of Initial Ideas

Listed below are some ideas for uses of the planned
Arts and Crafts Studio extension at the Memorial Hall.
Please indicate your support or otherwise for these initial ideas as indicated.
1.Should we improve back-stage facilities to be more welcoming for visiting drama groups, entertainers or presenters? - e.g. modernised Accessible W.C., Green Room, Brew Station?
2.Should we create better provision for scenery construction, props and costume storage to help our drama groups?
3.Do you agree that an enlarged Chair Store would enable the Sun Room to be better used as a Family History Centre or Drop-in IT Cyber Cafe for example?
4.Is it a good idea to have better facilities for practical craft work generally (we have had folk building bee hives in the dining room before now!)?
5.Would you welcome a village ‘Repair Shop’ or ‘Re-Makery’ type facility (inc. a display area where some resulting products could be for sale)?
6.Do you think a Men's (& Women’s) Shed would be popular - e.g. somewhere to just meet and 'potter' or perhaps also working alongside PayBack personnel to perform village maintenance tasks or make things for the school for example?
7.Would Hampsthwaite benefit from a general practical hobbies space for all ages - young and old? (e.g. model makers and after school clubs)
8.Would you be interested in the provision of a facility to try activities such as antique restoration, woodworking or jewellery?
9.Are you interested in a practical workspace also being where plant and fruit tree propogation, building bird boxes or hedgehog homes could also be done?